Hi LS Community,
Today May 24, I decided to d/load & install limesurvey3.8.1+180524. in Windows.
However when I start the installation of LS, I immediately get this error. Has anyone experienced this in other environments?
The table "{{settings_global}}" for active record class "SettingGlobal" cannot be found in the database.
My Environment:
Windows Server 2012 r2(64bit)
MS SQL Server 2014 SP1(64bit)
Apache 2.4.33(64bit)
PHP 7.2.5(64bit)
MS SQL Server Drivers 5.2_ForPHP(64bit)
Microsoft ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server-Windows(64bit)
Hi LS Comm.,
I realized the error-issue & corrected it(381 creates a new config.php file during the installation process-deleted the old one). Successfully installed LS 3.8.1- Regards JK